Hate Yourself – Personal Essay – linden stave

Growing up, everyone tells you to not hate your body, that you are perfect just the way you are. It is not until now that I realize that is a lie. Well, to spare dramatics, its not a lie outright, but it is bending the truth a bit.

You should not hate yourself, but you also can not love yourself completely. Life is a balancing act on a tightrope named your conscience. When one hates themselves completely, they can make no progress in this world. It is a life brooding on unhappiness and a pit that is hard to climb out of. When one loves oneself completely, they can make no progress in this world. Life is an echo chamber of complacency. So the golden ratio you ask? I don’t have an answer, but if I had to guess… about 90/10.

First and foremost, you must learn to love yourself completely. I know I know, easier said than done. But sometimes these things can be chosen, sometimes life changes like these can not, you must simply wait for the universe to decide when the time is right.

Soon after, you will fail. It might not be a great or spectacular failure, but you will fail, and you will use that failure as your motivation. The motivation needed to balance yourself out and hit that golden ratio. Once you hit that golden ratio, you can learn to love others fully. And loving others can lead to amazing things.

Okay I’m going to stop now because this is beginning to sound a little cult-y. Also I must add the disclaimer that I am 17 so in the grand scheme of things I don’t know much at all, so I think it’s probably best to take this essay with a couple grains of salt. This is simply my philosophy.

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